Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lobo the Main Man

Hello folks! here my last work, did for a challenge on i've tried to do a portrait of Lobo, mercenary and bounty hunter from DC Universe. To build up the character i've used maya, zbrush, 3dcoat, mudbox and photoshop for the final image I hope you like it!! :) here's some grabs from the maya perspective with hairs, beard, and fur on both the arms and the front chest


  1. Mi pare piuttosto ganzo, mio caro ex-coinquilino nonchè ex-amante.

    Sempre tuo umilissimo,

    Cipputi Carlo

  2. grazie mio caro ex-amante ed ex-coinquilino ed ex-collega Cipputex!! Il tuo ricordo vive always dentro me!! :D
